Friday, 4 June 2010

Bliss Needs Your Support

This is going to be the most open post i will have written to date, but it is so important to me and such a massive part of my life that it would be wrong not too speak about it at all.

This post is dedicated to Bliss Charity and will hopefully raise some awareness to their new Bliss Billboards campaign! For those of you on Twitter you can find them @Blisscharity or visit their website at

For those who have never heard of Bliss, they are an established charity who are dedicated to researching and improving the survival and long-term quality of life for babies born too soon, too small or too sick to cope on their own. The work they do is amazing and is something i have actively followed and been as involved with as possible over the last few years. When i was 19 i suffered the loss of a child through an unexpected early labour and the effects were devastating. I have and will never get over the experience and my little one is always in my heart and thoughts. It would have been so wonderful to have known about a supportive charity such as Bliss at the time and it is simply because of this reason that i want to push awareness for them and support them as much as possible in the hope that they can make a difference to others in the future.

Their new billboard campaign is a vibrant and fun way to get involved. They are simply calling for parents to get involved and design billboards rather than an ad agency - after all what to ad agencies know about parenting compared to you actual lovely parents!!! All you need to do to get involved is to visit and follow the instructions from there!

I really hope you can all try to spread the word about this fantastic and worthy charity or get involved in any way you can!


Photos used are courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. What a horrendous and sad thing for you to have gone through. It certainly is a fab charity xx
